
Artist's Journey Unveiled / Otkrijte Putovanje Umjetnika

The artistic and restoration journey of Alena Savchenko, known by the artistic alias Lukian, is filled with amazing events and twists of fate.

Born in 1972 in the city of Khabarovsk.

In 2004, she completed her education at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin (formerly known as the St. Petersburg Institute named after I.E. Repin of the Russian Academy of Arts), specializing in “Restoration and Conservation of Easel Painting and Icons.” This marked the beginning of her remarkable career. Since 2006, she has been a member of the Union of Artists and gained recognition as a realist and hyperrealist (photorealist) painter.

After graduating from the Academy of Arts, the artist shares her deep knowledge of painting, drawing, and composition with students at the St. Petersburg State Academic Art Lyceum named after B.V. Johanson, located within the renowned St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. All her free time is devoted to painting and improvement, aiming to create paintings that produce a complete illusion of real objects.

Alena’s artistic journey began with her first solo exhibition in 1994 in Morioka, Japan. In 1996, the dream of becoming an artist led her to the enchanting city of St. Petersburg, which became her creative home for the next 24 years. Here, she creates captivating landscapes, Dutch-style still lifes that later became hyper-realistic, and commissioned portraits. Collaborating with leading galleries, the artist contributed to the vibrant art scene of St. Petersburg.

A pivotal chapter in her journey unfolded in 2002 during a training stint at the State Hermitage Museum, where she meticulously restored a portrait by an unknown artist from the illustrious “Gallery of 1812.”

Throughout her academic tenure at the Russian Academy of Arts, the artist immersed herself in the legacy of old masters, replicating their timeless creations housed at the Hermitage and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

In 2008, the artist’s solo exhibition was unveiled in the State Duma in Moscow.

Since 2010, the artist has been extensively traveling the world, drawing inspiration from the picturesque landscapes of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Montenegro, Norway, and other countries. Her travels have given rise to exquisite still lifes, romantic landscapes, and distinctive portraits.

The year 2020 marked a significant turning point when the artist returned to her roots in Khabarovsk to share her experience with the younger generation. In addition to imparting her knowledge at the Khabarovsk Regional College of Arts, she founded her own Painting School. Here, she conveys the nuances of academic drawing and oil painting to aspiring talents, helping them enter art colleges and academies.

Active participation in local and regional exhibitions, including those organized by the Union of Artists, attests to the artist’s dedication to fostering artistic dialogue and appreciation.

In 2023, a new chapter begins as the artist moves to Montenegro, to the “Ratko Art Residences,” where she paints en plein air for several weeks and then becomes a representative of the private gallery “Ratko Art Studio” in Sutomore. She continues to work creatively, painting new still lifes and landscapes from life, as well as imaginative impressionistic portraits.


Umjetničko i restauratorsko putovanje Alene Savčenko, poznate pod umjetničkim pseudonimom Lukian, ispunjeno je iznenađujućim događajima i preokretima sudbine.

Rođena 1972. godine u gradu Habarovsk.

Godine 2004. završila je obrazovanje na Sankt Peterburškoj akademiji umjetnosti imenovanoj po Ilji Repinu (ranije poznatoj kao Sankt Peterburški institut imenovan po I.E. Repinu Ruske akademije umjetnosti), sa specijalizacijom “Restauracija i konzervacija slikarstva na stalaku i ikona”. To je označilo početak njezine izuzetne karijere. Od 2006. godine članica je Saveza umjetnika i stekla je priznanje kao realizator i hiperrealist (fotorealist) slikar.

Nakon diplomiranja na Akademiji umetnosti, umetnica deli svoje duboko znanje slikanja, crtanja i kompozicije sa učenicima u St. Petersburg State Academic Art Lyceum imenovanom po B.V. Johansonu, smeštenom unutar čuvene St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Svo slobodno vreme posvećuje slikanju i usavršavanju, želeći stvarati slike koje stvaraju potpunu iluziju stvarnih predmeta.

Alenin umetnički put počeo je njenom prvom samostalnom izložbom 1994. godine u Morioki, Japan. Od 1996. godine, san o postajanju umetnicom odveo ju je u očaravajući grad St. Petersburg, koji je postao njen kreativni dom narednih 24 godine, gde stvara zapanjujuće pejzaže, holandske natiurmorte koje su kasnije postale hiperrealistične i portrete po narudžbini. Saradnja s vodećim galerijama doprinela je prisustvu umetnice na živoj umetničkoj sceni St. Petersburga.

Ključno poglavlje njenog puta otkrilo se 2002. godine tokom obuke u Državnom Ermitažu, gde je pažljivo restaurirala portret nepoznatog umetnika iz slavne “Galerije 1812.”

Tokom svoje akademske karijere na Ruskoj akademiji umetnosti, umetnica se uronila u nasleđe starih majstora, replikirajući njihova vremenski neprolazna dela smeštena u Ermitažu i Ruskom muzeju u St. Petersburgu.

Godine 2008. otkrivena je solo izložba umetnice u Državnoj Dumi u Moskvi.

Od 2010. godine, umetnica obilazi ceo svet, često crpeći inspiraciju iz slikovitih pejzaža Italije, Španije, Portugala, Crne Gore, Norveške i drugih zemalja. Njena putovanja su iznedrila izvanredne natiurmorte, romantične pejzaže i prepoznatljive portrete.

Godina 2020. označila je značajan preokret kada se umetnica vratila svojim korenima u Habarovsk kako bi delila svoje iskustvo s mlađom generacijom. Osim što prenosi svoje znanje na Khabarovsk Regional College of Arts, osnovala je svoju Školu slikanja. Ovde prenosi nijanse akademskog crtanja i uljnog slikarstva nadolazećim talentima, pomažući im da upišu umetničke fakultete i akademije.

Aktivno učešće na lokalnim i regionalnim izložbama, uključujući one koje organizuje Udruženje umetnika, svedoči o posvećenosti umetnice razvoju umetničkog dijaloga i vrednovanju.

Godine 2023, započinje novo poglavlje kada umetnica seli u Crnu Goru, u rezidenciju za umetnike “Ratko Art Residences”, gde slika en plein air nekoliko nedelja, a zatim postaje predstavnik privatne galerije “Ratko Art Studio” u Sutomoru. Nastavlja kreativan rad, slikajući nove natiurmorte i pejzaže iz prirode, kao i maštovite impresionističke portrete.


Born in Khabarovsk-city


Graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin. Specialization in "Restoration and Conservation of Paintings and Icons"

From 2006

Member of the Union of Artists


Moving to Montenegro

Hiperrealism by Lukian Cat and Roses
Kupiti sliku u Srbiji. Prodaja slika u Srbiji - originalna umetnička dela na platnu. Autorski radovi profesionalnih slikara.Lukian Sunset on Malevic
Hyperrealistic painting by Lukian Pomegranate time
Hyperrealism painting by Lukian Persimmons
Kupiti sliku u Srbiji. Prodaja slika u Srbiji - originalna umetnička dela na platnu. Autorski radovi profesionalnih slikara.
Kupiti sliku u Srbiji. Prodaja slika u Srbiji - originalna umetnička dela na platnu. Autorski radovi profesionalnih slikara.
Hyperrealistic painting The Nest
Selected Exhibitions

Alena Savchenko - Lukian


solo exhibition

Solo exhibition in Japan (Morioka)


group exhibition

Participation in an exhibition of paintings by contemporary Russian artists in the Republic of Korea (Ulsan)


solo exhibition

Solo exhibition at the “Union-Creativity” gallery (Moscow)

2005, 2006

group exhibitions

Participation in the “Autumn” exhibition of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists


solo exhibition

Solo exhibition at the State Duma of the Russian Federation (Moscow)


group exhibition

Participation in the “Gallery Festival” exhibition (St. Petersburg, Manege Central Exhibition Hall)

2008, 2009

solo exhibition

Solo exhibition at the Cardio Center (St. Petersburg, Kuznetsovskaya Street, 25), as part of the “Healing Hearts with Art” program


solo exhibitions

Solo exhibition “Image of Eternity” at the Russian Cultural Foundation (Khabarovsk);

Solo exhibition “Edges of Calling” (Khabarovsk);


solo exhibition

Solo exhibition “Encounters on the Way” at the “Russian Portrait” gallery (St. Petersburg)


solo exhibitions

Solo exhibition at the CD Studio d’Arte gallery (Padova, Italy);

Solo exhibition at the International Glass Museum (“Museo del vetro”, Montegrotto Terme, Italy).


group exhibition

Group exhibition “My Italy” at the “Russian Portrait” gallery (St. Peterburg).


group exhibitions

International Biennial of Graphics “Silver Wave” (Komsomolsk-na-Amure).

Group exhibition “Teacher and Students” at “Art-Podvalchik” of the Khabarovsk Foundation for Culture (Khabarovsk).


group exhibitions

Regional Jubilee Art Exhibition “80 Years of the Khabarovsk Organization of the Union of Artists of Russia” (Khabarovsk).

International exhibition of creative works by artists from Russia and China “Golden Thread of Art” (Khabarovsk).


group exhibitions

Exhibition of Khabarovsk artists “Summer-2022” at the A.M. Fedotov Art Gallery (Khabarovsk).

Interregional exhibition of creative works “Sports in Art” (Blagoveshchensk).


solo exhibition

The solo exhibition in the halls of the A.M. Fedotov Art Gallery, sparked interest among viewers, colleagues, and art enthusiasts. The exhibition featured works, including those of students from the Khabarovsk Regional College of Arts and students of the Painting School.


solo exhibition

Solo exhibition at the “Sodruzhestvo” Center (Khabarovsk).